One Good Reason to Rent Portable Sinks for Your Next Corporate Event

by | Nov 5, 2015 | Plumbing


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According to the CDC , about half of the deaths that happen every year around the world due to diarrhea could have been prevented with hand-washing. Hand-washing is an important part of keeping bacteria and infections at bay. In addition, having access to adequate washing facilities matters even more. This is true, especially when you’re planning an event. Here are some of the ways party rental portable sinks make every celebration ideal:

Corporate Party
Using a corporate party to promote and build your company’s name is great marketing. If the event is offsite and there aren’t any buildings nearby, it’s best to make sure that the sanitation needs of everyone present are met—by going for portable sinks. By putting portable sinks in strategic places around the party, your guests are amply have all the access they need to hand-washing facilities.

Your Clients as Guests
If you’ve invited clients over as part of your guests, they’ll see that portable sink and know you care about the welfare and sanitation needs of your guest. That you look after every detail—that you get the job done. That kind of impression lingers and one you want clients to have.

Conventions and Trade Shows
With party rental portable sinks, you can ensure the people attending your conventions and trade shows have adequate hand-washing facilities. This won’t just prevent the spread of bacteria and infections, it also helps build a reputation for your company, one that says, “we want the best for you.” By making hand washing a habit among partners, clients, and employees, your company is building itself to be a place of employment that cares about people. That’s a reputation that often takes years to build, and it’s the kind that inspires trust and confidence in many clients.

That’s why you’ve got to make sure you build a favorable impression. Whether it’s a convention, trade show or a corporate party, there’s one important thing you should remember: everything you do reflects on the company. And everything in that event reflects what your company stands for, what your service is, how you do business. That’s why covering every small detail is crucial. You want them to look at everything and see quality. By providing them with great service, food and the best facilities—right down to the portable sinks—you don’t just build that impression, you nail it.

For more information on renting portable sinks, especially in Los Angeles, get in touch with us at Rent A Portable Sink.

Need party rental portable sinks in Los Angeles? Call us up at Rent A Portable Sink for more details!